The God,
[Through You]
the World Should Know!

Dear Father God,

We give you all praise, all honor, and all glory for blessing us to enter into 2013. Millions did not make it but we are some of the ones who did! We recognize that you did not have to do it. We know that we have sinned and fallen short of your glory so we thank you for your mercy and grace for there is nothing we can brag on or take credit for standing in this moment.

We pray Lord that we become worthy instruments to be used to show forth your glory. Father we pray for the Spirit of boldness that we not be ashamed to confess You as the Only, True and Living God the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that those you have placed in our paths might be saved!

It's in the matchless name of Jesus we pray, Amen!

(Now make it personal)
