Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord God, Elohim-The Sovereign, Mighty Creator; Lord God Elyon-The Most High God; Lord God Jehova-The unchangeable, Intimate God; Lord God Jehovah Rophe-The Lord, My Health; Lord God Jehovah Jireh-The Lord, my Provider; Lord God El Shaddai-The All-Sufficient One; Lord God Adonai-Lord and Master; and Lord God Jehovah Rohi-The Lord, my Shepherd.

You are all that and everything we will ever need. A simple thank you just don't seem like it's enough but You so graciously desire our praise and our thanks. So we today and everyday offer up, from our hearts, our deepest gratitude and thanksgiving. Words are not enough, nor are there enough tongues to seemingly do it sufficiently. Who are we that You are so mindful of us? You are our exceeding great reward. We love You because You first loved us. You, alone are all we will ever need! We praise You, thank You, and bless Your Holy Name!

It is in the matchless name of Jesus we pray, Amen! Amen! Amen!


(Now make it personal)
