Dig the Ditches and God will Take Care of You!

Almighty Father God,

We come before you collectively giving you all the praise and honor that is most certainly due you. We thank you for this opportunity to commune with you today. Father you said those who you call you will bless, so Father I pray that you bless each and everyone who have hearkened unto your voice and came. I pray that you show us what we must do to prepare for your blessings to flow. Forgive us for where we failed to follow you. We thank you for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who bled suffered and died that we might have another opporntunity at the Tree of Life for He died that we not only have life but we have it more abundantly. Dear Lord we thank you for the abundance. You are better to us than we can ever be to ourselves.

In Jesus name and for His name sake we pray, Amen!

(Now make it personal)
