Dear Heavenly Father,

We give you Great Honor, Great Glory, and Great Praise! For You are truly greatly to be Praised! From the rising of the sun until the going down of the same, You alone are worthy of our Praise!

Father we thank you for the Word that became flesh in order that He could die so that we might live and be restored back into a relationship with You, the Almighty Creator and Source of all things!

Help us set a watch over our mouths that we may keep the doors of our lips and speak Your Words of life, not death, knowing that if we speak what You said, it must come to pass.

Today Father we begin anew speaking those things that be not as though they were in order that we might become all that Christ died for us to be.

For we know if You said it then it is so and it cannot be otherwise!

In Jesus name! Amen!

(Now make it personal)
