Today's Message

"I Give Myself Away"

[Is it just a song you sing or do you really mean it?]



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“Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die,
it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.”
John 12:24


Listen to words of "I Give Myself Away" by William McDowell and sing along with the lyrics. (The music might not come on automatically work on mobile devices. Click here to listen to the song.)

I give myself away I give myself away So You can use me I give myself away I give myself away So You can use me

Verse 1:
Here I am Here I stand Lord, my life is in your hands Lord, I'm longing to see
Your desires revealed in me I give myself away [Stop]

(Go to the bottom of the page and press pause or, if mobile, turn off or pause device.)

In my journey through the Lenten Season I asked that Jesus reveal more of Himself to me. But this is how He did it. I found myself giving more of myself away by surrendering my will, desires, and ways to Him daily even from moment to moment and allowing Him to live through me. I actually became more of His legs, feet, hands, eyes, arms, mind and heart through my time, my finances, and my abilities. Many were sent in my path to whom I had to be extremely patient, look beyond their faults, and see their needs. 1 Peter 4:8 I had someone scream at me to the very top of her lungs until it made my heart flutter but Jesus still proceeded to help her. I had people come to me crying for assistance because no one would help them and Jesus took over so gently and saw them through. I had times when I simply prayed them through and even I heard the Spirit speaking. Not only did He reveal Himself to me but, through the yielding of myself and allowing Him to live, He also revealed Himself to others. 2 Corinthians 4:10

We sing to the melody, and groove to the music but do we really mean it. The Cross represents Jesus giving Himself away so that we could live. We are called to do the same, to die to ourselves that others might live. Mark 8:34 What are your dreams and plans? Are you willing to truly place them in God's hands? To who ever is reading this, you don't need a bible study on dying to yourself. God has called you to follow His Son. Luke 9:23 He's gifted you for the Kingdom and the Kingdom's advancement not your own, man's, nor an earthly Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 7:23

You may say, “Oh Sis, I've died to myself already.” But have you died to your own will to point of sweating blood? You won't sweat blood but to follow Christ it will cost you something. Remember Jesus' point of submitting to God's will and not His fleshly will. Luke 22:41-44. Don't think for one minute that truly giving yourself away will be easy. A record deal with the world for millions of dollars or the Praise Team leader at your local church? A thousand dollar shopping spree or a thousand dollar gift to the homeless? Your favorite reality show or Bible Study? Marry or shack up? John 12:27

 After His resurrection two of His disciples (not recognizing who He was) asked Jesus as they walked with Him to the village Emmaus, “Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem , and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in these days? Luke 24:18 God is asking us today, “Are you strangers to the Word of God and have not seen that there are things that have come to pass that points to Christ return? Matthew 24:3, Matthew 24:6-7 ”Why then are we still making our own plans to succeed in this world? Romans 13:11-12 If we are His then we have been taught that this is not our home. Hebrews 13:14 and James 4:14

On our journey there will be those who are of His fold but have not yet come in. Our desire must be the same as God's for them. John 10:16 Let us follow Christ example, die daily to our own desires and quit being so concerned about ourselves 1 Peter 2:21. We must continually place our trust in God. He promised to take care of our needs. Matthew 6:33 We must make sure that no one is left behind on our watch. Philippians 2:4-5 We die and others live eternally too.
John 12:24

God says, "___________ (insert your name) you already know what you must give up. Don't sing the song unless you really mean it. Don't you know I Am listening?"

Give yourself away. You already belong to Him. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 You can't give yourself to anyone better. He is the Master of the Universe, the Mighty God, our Father, and Jesus is now at his right hand ever living to intercede for you! Hebrews 7:25 So you can't lose, you can only win! John 12:26

Now turn the music back on and as you sit in the Garden today, remember many will here but God will only talk to you.

Today's Prayer

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