Today's Message

"Only God IS Holy! "


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"But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;
Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy"
1 Peter 1:15-16


While in the midst of praising God at Sunday Worship Service, tears begin to stream down my face. Thoughts of being hurt by someone I loved, someone I looked up to, and respected more than anyone else, begin to overwhelm me. I cried to the Lord with questions of how could that person have done that to me? Then, while I thought I was ministering to God, He began to minister to me. The words of the song we sang began to ring true. I heard the words, “Only You are holy, only You are worthy, only You are wonderful. For there is no one else like you, Who is faithful ever true, All my love, my heart, my life is a testimony.”

In that moment I realized I had held man at too high of a standard and placed him where only God should reign. I realized that although I was hurt, I too have hurt someone at some time. There are times in church we shout and dance when the word says don't worry, God will take care of your enemies, but what about when you were the enemy. At some point in time we all have hurt someone, whether it was intentional or unintentional. So what happens when the enemy that God will take care of is you? Yes, He will take care of your enemies but taking care of your enemy may be simply to forgive and restore them after they repent 2 Peter 3:9. Isn't that what you want God to do for you? Psalm 37:23-24

In that moment my focus left what had been done to me and went to what had been done for us Romans 5:8. For we all have sinned and come short of God's glory Romans 3:23. There is not one man that does not sin Ecclesiastes 7:20. My focus then left that person sins and fell on my own. I then begin to pray Lord have mercy on us and forgive us. Psalm 67:1 While ministering to God, He revealed to me that truly, “Only He is holy, only He is worthy, only He is wonderful. For there is no one else like Him, Who is faithful ever true, All my love, my heart, my life is a testimony.” 1 Peter 1:16

I stand today as a testimony for I have enemies that have hurt me and I have been an enemy that have hurt others, I repented and He's been faithful ever true and ALL my love, my heart, my life is a testimony of what He has done for us. Mark 12:33

God says, "Stop reflecting on what your enemy, your husband/wife, your mom, your dad, your friend, your cousin, your sister, your children, your niece, your nephew, or even your Pastor have done to you. Remember ________________ (insert your name) you too have sinned and come short of my glory. Your are my child, now do what I have not only instructed you to do but commanded you to do. Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. Do this not simply for them but so that Me and you can dwell together in My presence. I truly love you and desire our communion together. Come and worship today.

Today's Prayer

Take a moment and minister to God today, you just might find He has called you so that He could minister to you. Click on Donnie McClurkin song "Only You are Holy". Click here for mobile "Only You Are Holy".

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'In the Garden Devotions'