Today's Message
"Knowing God as Father"

1st Testimony
"A rose in a concrete world"


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"...but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry,
, Father."

Romans 8:15

Growing up  I had a father in the home but I didn't have a "daddy".  My dad was there physically but mentally he was somewhere else ( street life, friends, etc..) Later I found out it was because he didn't know how to be a dad because he never experienced a physical father-son relationship plus I believe he's never experienced a true father-son relationship with his heavenly father either.  I grew up in a home with both parents but sometimes felt like I was being raised in a single parent home.  

Going to church was rarely experienced with him and as a child was embarrassing at times.  My mother took my brothers and I to church every Sunday and as we got older, we knew that if we lived in her house, even if you went to the club on Saturday night, you BETTER be sitting in church Sunday morning (ON TIME)-paid off in the end because she gave us the gift of God early in life. Proverbs 22:6

Having a father but sometimes feeling fatherless led me to God at a young age. Psalm 68:5  I can recall sitting in my bed late at night and talking to God as if he was my friend.  I held long conversations with God about anything and at a young age had no clue what I was doing or even if he was listening but somehow I knew He was there.  I'm truly blessed because I've had the oppurtunity to get to know my heavenly Father at a young age and I've come to realize that He fulfilled the role of my "Daddy" during that time so now when I go to Him as a woman, I feel as if I'm sitting on the porch talking to my Dad, because we simply talk. Lol - It's truly a sweet relationship to have because He always listens when nobody else does and to experience Him is indescribable.

"A rose in a concrete world"

To God be the glory!!! Thank you for such an awesome testimony from "A rose in a concrete world". What about you? You are reading this and it may be you God is talking to. You too have a testimony that will help many. If this testimony has encouraged you, please let us know.

Sis. Denise Spencer

My Testimony

Today's Prayer

For more information about James Robison or to order his book, “Knowing God as Father” go to .

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'In the Garden Devotions'