Today's Message

King of kings?
or Simply
king of my things?


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“On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried,
Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord."
John 12:12-13

When I was about 19 or 20 I went to an O'Jays Concert with my boyfriend. The song that I loved at that time was “Stairway to Heaven”. Man when they started singing that song I went berserk!! Awhhh!!!! Awhhh! Awhhhh! Did you ever see the movie the “The Five Heartbeats” when JT was on the stage singing to the girl in the front row and the girl was screaming and falling out? And when JT left her boyfriend walked away. Well that was me. LOL!!! I truly acted a fool, screamed so loud and jumped up and down like I had loss my mind! When the song was over I suddenly came to myself, sat down and looked at my boyfriend. I was sooo embarrassed. I was soo caught up in the moment that I took my eyes off the one who really loved me.

Palm Sunday is the day we celebrate Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem leading to His crucifixion, death, resurrection, and His heavenly throne. The crowds had gathered for the Passover and heard Jesus was coming and cheered Him on as He entered. In a moment of excitement with their own thoughts of all they were about to receive, they shouted and praised the King.

“On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord." John 12:12-13

They saw him but did they really see HIM? They saw a king but did they see the KING? Blessed is the King! Hosanna (Hosanna literally means “save now”)!!! Yeahhh!!! Only a few days later that same crowd, influenced and convinced by the Jewish leaders that Jesus was not their King Matthew 27:20 shouted Crucify Him! Crucify Him!!! Matthew 27:21-23

The Jewish leaders were jealous Mark 15:9-10 and the people no longer saw their King, their Money Maker, their new houses, camels, maybe even their own thrones, their new positions, along with their Roman slaves. Oh no He had to go! They only shouted and cheered Him on because they thought Jesus was coming to set up an earthly kingdom where they would no longer be under Roman authority. They were so busy looking for things that they couldn't see the King of all kings! Ruler of all rulers! the King of Glory!. Psalm 24:7-10

During Lenten Season as we gather with the crowds at church make sure your shouts are for the KING not your king. The King of kings, not simply the king that can get you a house, a job, a position or to destroy your enemies. Make sure your desire is to know Him more not them around you. John 15:15

And let us check our amens and shouting in church with the crowd. Are we saying amen on key or are we really focused on the Truth? John 14:6 What about our singing, clapping, lifting up our hands, and dancing? Are we singing and praising the Lord or have we subtly slipped into loving the music and clapping and dancing to the beat of the drums and the artist? Psalm 134:2 Psalm 149:1-4 Are we there like some of the people who were there but didn't know who He was? Matthew 21:9-10

Let us make sure our focus is truly on the KING of kings. For like the people who shouted Blessed be the King, when we don't get the house or the job or after giving our all and nothing seems to come back, will in our hearts shout out, "crucify Him! crucify Him!!!" Then very subtly the voice of the jealous one, Satan, will help us look to our kings of whom and what we can see like our, job, boss, sister, daddy, mama and even our Pastor.

Our friends will become the Jewish leaders who will influence us to take a break from all of that church stuff. We may find ourselves in the clubs or at the concerts shouting for Rick Ross or Drake (Who? My daughter gave me these artist.LOL) or the O'Jays (smile) and even at the gospel concerts we will be shouting for Isaac Carre (In the Middle) and doing our dance without any thoughts of JESUS the King of all kings!.

And just like me at the O'Jays Concert, we will find our selves shouting, dancing and acting a fool and fail to see the one who really loved me.

God says today, "___________ (insert your name) HE is all you will ever need!!!

Today's Prayer

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