Today's Message

No Need to Beg!



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"I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken,
nor his seed begging bread."
Psalm 37:25

There was a time in my life that whenever I needed money I would always ask my sister. It was strange because my income was more than hers but I never had enough. I was never a person to waste my money, per say, and I did not buy extravagant things. I was a child of God but was always broke. I remember a time when my light bill was overdue and I received a disconnect notice. I called my sister; apparently she was on the phone and placed the other person on hold. She agreed to give me the money. As I was about to hang up the phone she clicked back to her conversation and I heard it. She said, "I am so sick and tired of my sister asking for my money. She is always broke and running to me." I was devastated because I never knew she felt that way.

God immediately convicted me and I called her later and told her I heard the conversation. She was truly sorry. I apologized and explained that I was glad I heard it. She was right. I was running to the wrong person. Only God was meant to supply my needs not my sister. Philippians 4:19. I was casting my care on the wrong one 1 Peter 5:7. I had my own way of supplying my need that led to destruction Proverbs 16:25. Hosea4:6 says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.." Because of my lack of knowledge of who God really was, I looked to every one else to fill my needs. My way of supplying my need was I worked, I received, I shopped, I prayed "God please help me", I asked Momma, Daddy, the Credit Union, Credit Card, the Bank, my Sister, my Friend, and yet I was always broke.

As I studied the Word of God, in the book of Genesis He taught me a principle that by seeking Him, and not my sister, I would never be in a state of lack. God gives, I sow, God multiplies. 2 Corinthians 9:10. In Genesis14 God became Abraham's exceeding, great reward.

God gave Abraham the victory and riches. Genesis 14:14-16
Abraham sowed. Genesis 14:18-20
God received the credit not man. Genesis 14:21-24
He was rewarded. Genesis 15:1

I found that I had to seek Him first not my sister Matthew 6:33. I realized He gave me what I needed to sow not only to receive back but to have it multiplied 2 Corinthians 9:10. I sowed Malachi 3:10. The scripture then became true to me Psalm 37:25. And as Abraham, I received my Reward Genesis 15:1. And He keeps rebuking the Devourer Malachi 3:11 that I will never lack again.

Do you have a need today? Who are you seeking? Is it your Momma, your Daddy, the Bank, the Credit Union, your Friend, your Sister or Brother, Cousin Joe, A Sugar Daddy/Momma…?

Hebrews 11:6 says God rewards you for believing and seeking Him not man. He supplies your every need. Philippians 4:19. He even gives you what you desire, "Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Psalm 37:4

My Pastor said in a recent sermon, "If Tom Benson can find 100 million dollars in this economy to give to a football player, how much more can our heavenly Father give to you?” But even Benson pockets can run out. There is no end to God's pockets. So make a choice today and begin seeking God not man. All things belong to him anyway. Psalm 24:1 Acknowledge Him and He will tell you what to do, where to go and, if need be, who to go to. Proverbs 3:5-6.

And remember that you are the righteous 2 Corinthians 5:21 and the righteous have no need to beg. Psalm 37:25 Aaamen!

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