Today's Message

"What Happens When We Bless Our God?"



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"O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together."
Psalm 34:3

My friend and I had a party when we were about 12 years old. We were not the popular people but we invited the most popular people we could think of. The record player (there was no such thing as a stereo or CD player) was not working, so we had a radio. I think two people showed up (of course unpopular like us) (smile). I can't truly remember because I choose not to. For some reason the only thing I can remember is we had potato chips. My friend remembers it all. She is often invited to speak. She uses this story as an icebreaker. She says one of her greatest fears is to be invited to speak and no one shows up. She then proceeds to thank the quest for showing up. I guess our unpopular experience still haunts her. (Smile)

What possessed two not so popular people (you see I'm still in denial) to invite the most popular people to our party? I remember listening to that radio waiting for the commercials to stop. When a good song would play we would sing along with the radio, of course there was no dancing. (LOL!!)

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Our Pastor is currently doing a series in the book of Psalms called “Keep the Music Playing”. Part 5's message was on “The Power of Corporate Praise”. The subject was, “When I Praise, You Praise,..Just like That”. Psalm 34:3

He said corporate praise is when a group of people come together for the purpose of exulting and magnifying the Lord.

He gave three benefits derived from corporate praise.
1. Provide strength to others around us. Revelations 12:11
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony..."
It provides strength not only for us but for those around us who have watched us going through our problems but still praising God.

2. Creates a spirit of anticipation. Psalm 122:1
“ I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord .”
It creates a spirit of anticipation of knowing when God shows up something will happen.

3. And it blesses our God! Psalms 66:1-2, Psalm 66:8
"Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands: Sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious. .. O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard:"
This is the best one of all them to me, it blesses our God! Hallelujah!

What happens when we bless our God? In the book of Acts 16:23-34 Paul, Silas, and the Jailer can tell you.

Paul and Silas were unpopular friends whose clothes were torn off and they were beaten. Acts 16:22. They were then thrown into prison. Instead of a pity party, they had a prison party with the unpopular prisoners and the not so popular Jailer who was charged to show up Acts 16:23-24. Their party started at midnight as they began to pray and sing praises to their God and all the prisoners heard them Acts 16:25. The Jailor missed the singing but heard the awesome power of God's presence showing up when Paul and Silas invited Him (God) to the party Acts 16:26.

Why did God show up? Because God inhabits the praises of His people. Psalm 22:3 One of our Elder's taught in Sunday School that the Hebrew word for inhabit is yasab meaning to sit down. Webster's Dictionary say an inhabitant is a person inhabiting a special place. So instead of the popular saying, "When praises go up, blessings come down!", actually "When praises go up God comes in and sit right next to us to dwell in our praise!" When Paul and Silas praised, God came down and took His special place. The place of the Honoree! Psalm 22:3. And as he took joy in their praise, there was a great shaking up and every shackle was loosed. A light was shone in darkness. And the not so popular Jailer ask to join their party Acts 16:29-30 and not only him but his household was saved and had a party rejoicing in the Lord Acts 16:31-34.

In his message, our Pastor reminded us of the most popular question during the Christmas season, “What do you want for Christmas? He challenged us to instead ask,What am I going to do for God?

Most of us, if not all, have made a phone call and asked someone to pray for us. Have you ever called someone and asked them to help you lift up the name of God in praise? When I think of the goodness of God and all that He's done for me, knowing that He takes joy in my praise, I will sing and dance like David danced 2 Samuel 6:14, there is no shame in my game.

What about you today? Is there a little shame showing up when you think about calling someone just to sing a praise song to God? I suggest you do like David and tell your soul bless the Lord O my soul and forget not his benefits. Psalm 103:1-2 Have He not healed all of your diseases? Have He not forgiven all your yucky iniquities'? Psalm 103:3 Then crowned you with His loving-kindness and His tender mercies? Psalm 103:4 OH my soul, yes you will bless the Lord and His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Psalm 34:1-2

If God is speaking to you, God says, “________________, (insert your name) Do you need me to show up today? Call someone and just like you pray, choose a song that both of you know, and sing to Me. I yearn to hear your praise and you know why.”

Our closing hymn (smile) (click " Awesome", by Pastor Charles Jenkins & Fellowship Chicago

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