Today's Message

I'm Not Scared of You
No More!"



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"But Rabshakeh said unto them, Hath my master sent me to thy master,
and to thee, to speak these words? hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall,
that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?"
2 Kings 18:27


Webster's dictionary defines a bully as a person who hurts are browbeats those who are weaker. To browbeat is to intimidate with harsh looks, talk and threats to make you afraid. That's what Webster says. My definition of bully was simply Eedie Brown. She was the bully in my life when I was about 9 or 10 years old (I changed her name just in case she read this and still wanted to fight.) (Smile).

I remember gathering together with some of the neighborhood children to jump rope. We needed turners and Eedie said, “Get the rope cause you are going to turn!” And of course I picked up the rope and immediately began to turn. I believe that rope hit her and I really don't think I did it on purpose, besides there were two turners. She got in my face and pushed me and said “You hit me with that rope!” then she pushed me and said “Now what are you going to do about it?” Eedie was big and kind of muscular for a girl. Immediately my friend, J-Lo (changed her name also even though I know Eedie still want mess with her) yelled at Eedie, “Leave that girl alone!” Although J-Lo was about my size Eedie listened to her. I was so embarrassed because I allowed Eedie to intimidate me.

In the book of 2 Kings18 there was a bully named Rabshakeh. He was sent by his king, Sennacherib, 2 Kings 18:17 to browbeat God's people and cause them to turn away from God to serve him. 2 Kings 18:18-19. He told them that they were a fool to believe their king, King Hezekiah, who told them that no one can come against God. 2 Kings 18:22-25. King Hezekiah representatives tried to keep their people from hearing what Rabshakeh had to say so that they would not become afraid. 2 Kings 18:26. But the bully got louder and taunted them. 2 Kings 18:27 His intimidation went on 2 Kings 18:28-32. Although he shouted at God's people, he was coming up against God.

When a bully comes up against a child of God he/she has now entered into a fight with God 2 Kings 19:22. But how should you handle it. The bible teaches us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God Ephesians 6:14-18. We do not fight according to the flesh. 2 Corinthians 10:2-3. Nor do we wrestle with flesh and blood. Ephesians 6:12 God's people could have yelled back and cursed Rabshakeh out but instead they remained quiet 2 Kings 18:36, as Jesus did Isaiah 53:7, they did not say a word. They sought the Lord 2 Kings 19:1-5 and the Lord heard their cry 2 Kings 19:6-7 and God spoke 2 Kings 19:33-34 and eventually defeated the bullies 2 Kings 19:35-37.

What bullies are you facing today? God says, “_________ (insert your name) I got your back!”

God sent me J-Lo at the time when I faced my first bully and met me right where I was to pull me through. Now I have JESUS who introduced me to our Father and leads me by His Spirit. Man may think because you may remain quiet they are winning but God says it's not by might nor by power but by His Spirit says the Lord of Host Zechariah 4:6!!! For He is the Lord God, strong and mighty in battle Psalm 24:8. He will lead me always to victory!!! Isaiah 41:10 King Sennacherib represents Satan who sends one of His demons, Rabshakeh, to make you fear. But I shall not fear man! Psalm 118:6 for God has given me power over Satan Luke 10:19. And just when they think they have won they shall stumble and fall. Psalm 27:1-3. Come what may, from day to day, I know my Daddy is watching over me!!!

Thanks J-Lo!!! (Smile) Thanks Eedie, you taught me well about bullies!!! But most of all Thanks and Glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for in Him is the Victory!!!

I dare you shout out loud, “Rabshakeh, I'm not scared of you no more!!!”

Today's Prayer

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