Today's Message

Part I

"What is That Something that Moved Jesus into Action on Our Behalf?"

(More Are Needed to Move with ___________.)

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“Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous,
but the labourers are few.”

Matthew 9:37


As children of God and Disciples of Christ we should always have the mind of Christ in our workplace or wherever we have been placed to operate in this world Philippians 2:5. Our identity is not in our titles or job descriptions but in who we are as laborers in the vineyard.

My job title is Consumer Affairs Representative. My identity is actually a child of God, a disciple of Christ serving customers in resolving their issues and answering inquiries, that resulted from choosing our company, to provide them a needed service. Some of the worse behavior can come from a customer when that service, that they paid for, was not rendered, and to a certain degree, understandably so.

More often then not Jesus rises and meet their needs through me. No matter how angry or desperate, when a cry of help rings forth, Jesus answers Galatians 2:20. He rises in a way that is not forced by me. It's right in that moment when I hear, “Miss please help me!” , “that something” immediately kicks in. Now it does not always sound like that. It can sound like, “What in the hell are yall doing over there? Where is my package!!! You are all lazy, I paid for this service and I need my package. I don't care about all that stuff you are saying, just get up and find my package!!! 2 Corinthians 4:10 But JESUS always has a way of sensing a need and looking beyond our faults to meet it. Now you can understand why I said Jesus meets their needs. My flesh wants to respond back with some of those choice words they used and then hang up, BUT GOD! (Smile)

After receiving a call and hearing a young lady literally crying in desperation, “that something” moved me into action to help. She was from China and enclosed in her package was her diploma needed to attend college here in the United States . Since it had been two months that the item should have arrived, which indicates that the item may have been loss or damaged, I suggested that she call and have it replaced. She became hysterical, crying so hard that she was gasping for breath. She received her diploma in China and did not know how to begin to request another one. The cost was more than she could afford and it would take too long. She said she had called so many times and no one had helped her. She began to cry, “Pleeease, pleasssse, pleeease help me!!!

Then “that something” moved me into action. I went beyond a simple phone call, but made many calls, then it moved me to go and physically look through a literal needle in the haystack. I cried to Jesus, "Please help us find her diploma! Please dispatch your angels!" Psalm 103:20; You know where it is Mark 4:22! It appeared hopeless because almost two months had past before she contacted our office. Normally when this much time has passed, it's simply considered loss Matthew 19:26. But "that something" moved me to continue to seek until finally after one week, I received a phone call. The young lady was on the phone saying, “Thank you! Thank you! It arrived! I have it! No one could explain where it was but it arrived! I was so excited and responded, “I don't know what God you serve but I know my Lord, Jesus moved with ________ on our behalf! Praise God!!!”

What was "that something"? It is what moves Jesus into action on our behalf. Have you figured it out yet? Holman Bible Dictionary says, “…is an emotional expression of crying and feeling with someone who is hurting. ….With the emotion goes the intent to help. It is, the quality not achieved by the believer but a result of being in Christ.

Webster's Dictionary says, “It is a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.”

This is what moved Jesus into action to alleviate the suffering of the people throughout the Gospels. This is part of what literally moved Him to die for our sins. Yes we know it was Love that kept Him on the cross but as the scripture says in many places, "that something" is what moved Him into action to heal and deliver us.

What is it? It's what we need as laborers in the vineyard. Send me an email or like me on Instagram and tell me what it is and when it moved you to be Jesus feet, ears, arms, and heart to help someone. Come back and read Part II and allow God to talk to us about "that something" that moved His Son into action on our behalf.

God says, “_____________ (insert your name), have you simply been acting as a secretary, a court reporter, a lawyer or _______________ (insert your job)? Turn today and be my eyes, ears, feet and heart on the job or in the career I've placed you in. When you are faithful over a few, I will make you ruler over many. (KJV) "For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south But I Am the judge: I putteth down one, and setteth up another.” Psalm 75:6-7

Today's Prayer

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'In the Garden Devotions'