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Today's Message "Halloween? Hmmm.....
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Would you join in with someone who would use his/her child as a human sacrifice? I'm not talking about God and His dear Son, Jesus. I'm speaking about a person who would call you over to have a party to kill his/her child by making them pass through fire. The people that resided in the land that God promised His people practiced such rituals. God gave His children instructions on how to live in the midst of non-believers. These people sought many gods for their needs. This particular ritual was done in order to seek out answers to the future and to gain favor from their gods. They did not know the true and only living God. They sought things from the dead. Hmmm….. Okay, what about a party to celebrate witches, wizards, communicators with the dead, observers of times? God warned His children not to join in with such practices. They are works of darkness and He is light and there is no darkness in Him 1 John 1:5 which makes us children of light 1 Thessalonians 5:5. God simply gave His children instructions on how to live in an evil and dark world Ephesians 5:8, Matthew 5:16. He hates it. Someone once said to me hate is too strong of a word. God does not hate. Psalm 45:7, (KJV) “Thou lovest righteousness, and hate st wickedness:…” “The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hate st all workers of iniquity”. Psalm 5:5 Hmmm….. (NLT) “When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, be very careful not to imitate the detestable customs of the nations living there. For example, never sacrifice your son or daughter as a burnt offering. And do not let your people practice fortune-telling, or use sorcery, or interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord. It is because the other nations have done these detestable things that the Lord your God will drive them out ahead of you. But you must be blameless before the Lord your God. The nations you are about to displace consult sorcerers and fortune-tellers, but the Lord your God forbids you to do such things.” Deuteronomy 18:9-14 Do you really love the God who supplies all your needs? Healed your diseases? Protects you? Keeps you? Loves you? Provides for you? God says, “If ye love me, keep my commandment s.” John 14:15 Jesus says, “He that hath my commandment s, and keep eth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest my self to him. John 14:21 There are many parties being held on Halloween by churches of the living God. We are children of Light not Darkness 1 Thessalonians 5:5. Isn't it funny how there is always a choice to choose life or death, darkness or light. Halloween is no different Deuteronomy 30:19. Where is your loyalty? Joshua 24:15 Join the party of the One who sacrificed His only begotten son so that we could live and never die. John 3:16 Hmmm…. In Nelson's Bible Commentary it says, “It is often said that “curiosity killed the cat.” One curiosity not worth risking one's life over is the mystery of magic and the spirit world. God's laws spoke very clearly about the attraction of divination, witchcraft, mediums, oracles, and soothsayers; it called them “abominations” (Deuteronomy 18:9-12) Jesus says, (insert your name) “____________ would I put on a Warlock/Witch, Goblin or Ghost costume? Are you not a follower of Me?” Hmmm……
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'In the Garden Devotions'