Today's Message

[Your 2013 Goals and Plans]

"Am I Still Needed Here?"

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“But for your sakes, it is better that I continue to live.”
Philippians 1:24-25


If you have completed setting your goals and making your plans for 2013, look over them and ask yourself,
“What reason is there for God to allow me more time to live on this earth?

In the year of 2000 while in ICU with a serious heart condition, I asked God was it my time to die. I opened my bible (I went no where without it, even in ICU) to Psalms 27:13 ; In the Living Translation He declared that I shall see his goodness in the land of the living. Then he directed me to Psalms 116:1-9, Psalms 116:15. In verse 9 (LT) my Father said, “I shall live here! Yes in his presence—here on earth.”

The scripture the Lord gave me after surgery was (Living Translation) “…I will always be an honor to Christ, whether I live or whether I must die. For to me, living means opportunities for Christ, and dying----well, that's better yet! Sometimes I want to live and at other times I don't, for I long to go and be with Christ. How much happier for me than being here! But the fact is that I can be of more help to you by staying! Yes, I am still needed down here and so I feel certain I will be staying on earth a little longer, to help you grow and become happy in your faith, my staying will make you glad and give you reason to glorify Christ Jesus…” Philippians 1:21-26

I was saved and could have fallen asleep on this side and woke up in paradise BUT God allowed me more time to live to fulfill His purpose.

If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are saved and will go to heaven when you die. Jesus commissioned us to go therefore to teach and make disciples of others Matthew 28:19-20. So now the question is, “How many people, God has placed in your path, will you bring with you?

In Luke 19:11-27, the unfaithful servant, in this story that Jesus told his disciples concerning what was expected of them while He was away, hid his gift and did nothing with it. (NLT) “But the third servant brought back only the original amount of money and said, ‘Master, I hid your money and kept it safe. I was afraid because you are a hard man to deal with, taking what isn't yours and harvesting crops you didn't plant.' Luke 19:20-21 The King became angry, “You wicked servant!' the king roared. ‘Your own words condemn you. If you knew that I'm a hard man who takes what isn't mine and harvests crops I didn't plant,  why didn't you deposit my money in the bank? At least I could have gotten some interest on it.' Luke 19:23

Why did he hide his gift and did nothing with it? The Life Application Bible insert says:
1. He didn't share his master's interest in the kingdom
2. He didn't trust his master's intentions
3. His only loyalty was to himself

Does your 2013 goals and plans reflect that you share God's interest in the Kingdom which His Son demonstrated? Luke 19:10 Are you truly trusting God's intentions for your life? Jeremiah 29:11 Does your goals and plans include only your interest? Philippians 2:4.

God says, “_______________, (insert your name) do you and I truly share the same interest? Do you truly trust My plans for your life? Have your plans included the salvation of my people? Do you really care about the advancement of My Kingdom?

My goal for 2013 is to encourage 100,000 people through this website, my daily walk and encounters, and through a devotional book. My mission is t o encourage and enlighten God's people in the faith and bring excitement and enjoyment in serving the Lord and as Paul said, “Knowing this, I am convinced that I will remain alive so I can continue to help all of you grow and experience the joy of your faith.” Philippians 1:25

I know we will face many challenges, as I am currently facing some very serious ones now, but we can't let it hinder God's plans for us. We must cast our every care on Him for He cares for us 1 Peter 5:7, we must trust Him and believe what Jesus said, “ …seek ye first the kingdom of God , and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 and through Christ who strengthens us Philippians 4:13, God's purpose for our lives in 2013 will be fulfilled and His Kingdom will advance! Matthew 16:18

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'In the Garden Devotions'