Today's Message

"Was that Your Brother Who Was BeHeaded?!"

[Who is my brother/neighbor?]


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“But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?”
Luke 10:29


As I was traveling, while in flight I looked to the sky and then looked below. There were cars and vehicles driving along the highway. People in theme parks, people riding their bikes, children playing, people shopping in malls and groceries and simply going about their day. But the thought came that if we flew a few thousand miles (same earth, same day, and same time) the scene would change. If we flew over Africa there would be people without homes, no water, and no food. If we flew a few hundred miles we would be over Iran , Israel , Pakistan and there would be bombs, people scurrying for safety. And if we were allowed to fly and witness ISIS we would see the torture of Christians.

“If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin….”. James 2:8-9

ISIS - the Islamic State - is abducting hundreds of Christians for slaughter. It is crucifying Christian men, enslaving Christian women, and barbarically beheading Christian children. Our brothers and sisters in Christ are being executed and sentenced to hang in Pakistan- like Christian mother of five Asia Bibi - for blasphemy. Iran is torturing and imprisoning Christians - like American Pastor Saeed Abedini - merely because of their faith

There is a subtle sense of apathy in the church. The ekklesia (an assembly or called out ones) the people, not the building. With so many deaths of Christians being reported, seemingly, it would and should evoke a sense of urgency to seize from our own pleasures and take arms of prayer for our Family. Romans 13:11-12 Our Family, not linked through the human blood lines, but through the blood of Christ.

" Jesus didn't respond directly, but said, “Who do you think my mother and brothers are?” He then stretched out his hand toward his disciples. “Look closely. These are my mother and brothers. Obedience is thicker than blood. The person who obeys my heavenly Father's will is my brother and sister and mother .” Matthew 12:47-50(The Message)

Think about it, if your family was paraded across the air ways by men with hoods and machetes in their hands, then each family member made to kneel, then to be beheaded, would you still have celebrated Mardi Gras? 1 Peter 4:1-3 I believe you would be calling everyone to fight for your family. I believe you would not even be able to eat or even breathe.

“Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” 1 John 3:16

Who is the brethren? Well according to the Word all who have believed, received, and confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior are the children of God and are our brothers and sisters in Christ. Romans 10:9-13 Why are we not being called to arms with more then a slight message and a simple prayer? Do we not believe that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. ? James 5:16 Or maybe we should only pray that way for our family and our own church members? Must we wait until it happens in our country?

“If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, ….”. James 2:8-9

Today God says to pray for our Family as if we were them. God says place a sense of urgency as if it were your sons and husbands. Enough with simply going to church and back into our own safe lives. Romans 13:11-12 We are at war. Time to fast and pray. Matthew 17:21 Time to hear what thus says the Lord and what actions He will have us take.

Can you enjoy life? Yes you can but there is a time when the Family of God must be Family and not just associates. God may not call you to go to the mission fields but He has called us to duty. The funny thing is Christians have been dying in many places before ISIS but now Satan is openly taking off the heads to insinuate that he has the power. OKAY, if God has the power where is His army? Yes the angels are ready but what about us?

Woe to the churches that are not hearing the Spirit and teaching and calling the forces together in some form to come against these attacks. Yes God said these times will come but He did not say throw in the towel and lay down and die. Matthew 11:12 Oh, so we're not laying down and dying? Well our brothers heads were cut off and what was our response?

How can we help? Report For Duty! We are in a state of emergency! All are called to pray, some called to give monetarily, some called to fight, some called to lead from the pulpit, some called to act through the government but all are called to arms.

God says, “____________ (insert your name), pray and I will direct you in how this battle will be won and the part you must play.”


It is hard to see what the terriorist has resorted to in trying to evoke fear in our hearts. But now every time I see it, instead it evokes prayer and giving financially that the gospel may be preached to the ends of the earth. My prayer is that their captives be used like the young servant girl that was captured and placed in the home of Naaman and was brave enough to point Namman to the True and Living God. Now that's defeat (in Satan's camp) and Victory at the same time!!!! 2 Kings 5:2-4, 2 Kings 5:15

Today's Prayer

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'In the Garden Devotions'