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“ ...I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.”
Genesis 3:10

I once received an email that was rather unnervingly funny. A man decided to give his girlfriend a surprise dinner party. He blindfolded her and led her into the dinning room where she sat down at the table. Suddenly she begin to have flatulence episodes, polite way of saying, she begin to pass gas. Knowing her boyfriend was out of the room she let it out. She said “Ooh I hope the air clears before he gets back. I don't have any air freshener. Her stomach rumbled again and she let another out, fairly loud, which made her laugh at herself. She said, "Ooh goodness that was kind of loud! I hope he did not hear it. Okay one more time and at least when he gets back I won't have to do it in front of him." So she let another one out. She said, “Ooo okay my stomach feels better.” Suddenly her boyfriend took off the blindfold and there she sat. Every light was on and the room was full of people and all were staring at her. Oh my goodness, they were there all the time!

Think about it, everyone could see and everyone could hear but she believed no one could see and no one could hear. At one point it was so loud that she wondered if he heard and I can imagine she wanted to remove the blind fold to see if he was close enough to see her. Feeling secure that she was alone she was comfortable to do something she would not have done, well maybe not so loud , if someone was present.

Adam and Eve were in the garden with the omniscient-all knowing and omnipresent-all seeing, the God who is in everyplace at the same time, the God of the universe Genesis 1:1, but believed they could hide and He could not see Genesis 3:7-8. Just think, what can you cover up with that the creator who created the cover cannot see?

Isn't it funny, and a bit unnerving, they were exposed and the only ones that could not see were them themselves? Proverbs 16:25, Matthew 15:14. That is what sin does; it causes you to hide even though you have been exposed. Instead of causing you to repent or turn away, it says hide, pride says I'm ashamed; my cover won't let them see me. I can work this out. It will somehow turn out right. I can have my cake and eat it too. In the book of Jonah you will find (in the kjv) that every step away from God is a step down.Jonah 1:3. You will never move to a higher level with God. No matter how hard you try to mix scripture to justify where you are. The all knowing and all seeing, sovereign God can see you. Look at this, Genesis 3:4-10. The voice of the Lord is calling you today. Don't be afraid.

“…where art thou __________ (insert your name). And he (Adam) said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. God says to you today Ephesians 5:12-14. Don't be dismayed God says, “ Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18 Have a little talk with Him today. He will hear your humble cry and answer by and by.

Remember the girlfriend was comfortable as long as she thought no one could see or hear but her gas still stuck up the place. (Smile)

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'In the Garden Devotions'