Today's Message

"Am I A Spiritual Gambler?"



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“Now he that ministereth seed to the sower
both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown...”
2 Corinthians 9:10


My Experience with Gambling

A friend of mine once called and asked me to go and play Bingo with her. She stated she needed to win some money to pay her bills. I didn't like the bingo halls because they were filled with cigarette smoke and every time I seemed to get close to winning, someone would shout with an extremely loud voice, “BINGOOOO!!!” Well, it seemed loud to me because my nerves were already bad and I was anxious to win. This particular time my friend said she needed a ride and if I came she would pay for me to play. But the condition was if I won we would split the winnings in half. Not her's but only mine since she paid for the cards. Well it seemed like a good deal to me, if I won I wouldn't have paid and at least I would come out with something.

This particular pot was for $700.00 and my last number was called, and guess who was the loudest? I shouted BINGOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! sooo loud and long they were about to go to the next play. (I could imagine someone wanted to slap me.) As they counted out my money, in cash, I looked at my friend and said, “I actually won $700.00!” My friend looked at me and said, “Don't clown.” I said, “Huh, what do you mean?” She said, “Don't clown, you mean you won $350.00.” Well because of the excitement from winning I momentarily forgot about our deal. (lol) I gave her $350.00 but still had $350.00 for myself. So I guess I got the bingo fever after that and went again. This time I was reminded why I did not waste time and money gambling because I only left with a headache, bad nerves, cigarette smoked hair and clothes and no money.

A Spiritual Gambler

I often wondered and asked God why it seemed I was not prospering according to the way the Word said I would. I gave my tithes and offerings Malachi 3:10, gave to the poor Proverbs 28:27, gave to people as directed by the Spirit Luke 6:38 and gave to my Pastor and to the advancement of the Gospel 1 Corinthians 9:11-12. Although I knew there was a season for sowing and reaping and I should never tire of doing good Galatians 6:9, I asked the Lord to search my heart and show me if there was anything that was not right. Psalm 139:23-24. Then He sent His Word Psalm 107:20.

In his book, “Authority Abusers”, Bishop George G. Bloomer wrote, “Too many Christians have been caught in the trap of spiritual gambling. They believe that if they give all they have, God will return the “favor” with abundance. Treating Jesus as a pair of dice, the saints of God have been taught to cast a throw, cross their fingers, and chant, “Come on, Jesus!” while waiting for a return.

I believed my heart was right in giving, but deeply embedded I found I was a Spiritual Gambler. I didn't go to the casinos nor have I ever entered one, but the Spiritual Gambler was revealed when my heart was tried. Whenever I would hear a preacher say, “The Lord said give $50.00 and He's going to pay off your debts.” I would immediately write out a check then wait for my debts to suddenly disappear. A check was going to show up in the mail, someone was going to walk up to me and give me the money or I would become an inheritor in someone's will.

“The word of God is sharper than a two edged sword…. a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Then the Lord revealed to me why the following scripture convicted me. (KJV) “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” (NLT) “ You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 I said with my mouth I was giving cheerfully but did not feel it deep inside. Why? The answer was found in 2 Corinthians 9:10 (KJV) “Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;…”

Bishop Bloomer, “ We're told to “live by faith” while simultaneously being taught to sow our bread and eat our seed. This is a huge trap. For instance, your rent or mortgage payments, utility bill, car note, child-care costs, grocery bill, and other household expenses are your “breads.” Tithes, offerings of thanksgiving, special pledges, charitable giving, and random acts of kindness are your “seeds”.

I realized that I was a “Spiritual Gambler” sowing my bread, seed, and everything God blessed me with. I gave it all so that I could get more. But like a gambler I put in more than I was getting back and my giving became pressured and out of necessity and deep inside I was not cheerful when giving because I felt in my heart the word was not working. I was not being wise nor responsible by sowing my bread instead of my seed.

Are you a Spiritual Gambler giving more than God has asked of you? Not walking in wisdom and giving away your bread? There are times God will ask for a sacrifice but the Spirit will reveal how much, the time to give, and where to give it. Ask the Lord to search your heart today and cause you to be wise so that you can walk in His abundance. It's your seed that will multiply, not your bread. 2 Corinthians 9:10

God says, (insert your name) "_____________, it's time to become wise and stop deceiving yourself. My Word works but it's not given to operate as a fool."

Come on, fool, I mean, Denise and testify, "So I guess I got the Bingo fever after that and went again. This time I was reminded why I did not waste time and money gambling because I only left with a headache, bad nerves, cigarette smoked hair and clothes and no money. Actually I gave back some of the money I won the night before. I can hear Satan saying "Don't clown, give me my half back." (lol)

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