Today's Message

"I Am "
(The Lord Who Leads - Part 2 (Satan's Tactic of Fear)



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“Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God
which teacheth thee to profit ,
which lead eth thee by the way that thou shouldest go

Isaiah 48:17


One of Satan's tactics to move you out of the will of God is fear, (F alse E vidence A ppearing R eal) and intimidation.

As I said in the previous message, during the time of Hurricane Katrina God led us to a place He had already prepared, to reside until time for us to return home. After our family gathered together and prayed God gave us a word found in Jeremiah 29:4-7 letting us know we would be in this place for a while.

I remember the uncertainty of whether we would still have our jobs whenever we were able to return. The panic of hearing what “They said ” and “I heard” that if you didn't return immediately you would lose your job, began to torture many. In the book of Nehemiah Satan used his tactic of fear to try to cause Nehemiah to step out of the will of God Nehemiah 6:1-3. He sent message after message while Nehemiah was minding his own, rather God's, business. Nehemiah 6:4

There were many rumors during this time. I received calls from co-workers that I had never communicated with prior to the storm. How in the world did they know where I was? We were told “They said” to accept a job wherever you were, giving up your job temporarily and when you were able to return you would get your job back. "They said" if you don't come back now you will lose your job. Nehemiah 6:5-7 Satan's tactic of fear involves intimidation to cause you to trust in others and even yourself which results in walking away from God's plan. Hebrews 13:6

In the midst of the turmoil the Holy Spirit said, “Make no decisions based on fear.” If I was simply going to attempt to go home out of fear of losing my job than that was not the answer, so I stayed where I was as the scripture directed us when we first arrived. Don't listen to what "They said". What did God say? Jeremiah 29:5-6

After a year we were officially told it was time to return to our jobs. With no home to return to I asked the Lord what to do. I remember turning on the television and T.D. Jakes spoke from Mark 8:22-26. He said the lord told him to go start a ministry. He did not know where to go or what to do once he got there but as he moved the Lord made the vision clearer. By faith I packed up, spoke to a friend who had returned and moved in temporarily with her. Then I was led to move in with another friend, whose husband just happens to be a Real Estate Agent. He assisted me in finding a house and in less than three months I was in my own home, with brand new furniture, back at my job and in my same position. There were others who made those choices out of fear and could not return to their jobs. Psalm 118:6

If you have not allowed Him to reveal Himself as the Conductor, Compass, and Guide of your life, do so today Proverbs 3:5-6. Be reminded that this is not our home Hebrews 13:14. It is filled with many land mines, dark paths, twists, turns, traps and exists set up by the Enemy to steal, kill, and destroy God's plans Ephesians 6:11. Commit today to not be wise in your own minds Proverbs 3:7. Ask the Lord to lead you and never, ever make a decision based on fear! That decision may have all the appearance of being the right choice. (F alse E vidence A ppearing R eal) Satan will try to intimidate you to lean to it, but if it's still based on fear don't move! He uses fear God rewards faith in Him! Hebrews 11:6

God says, " ______________ (insert your name) remember I did not give you a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind 2 Timothy 1:7. You are my child so never allow anyone to place you under the bondage of fear again Romans 8:15. Look unto Me, the author, beggining, and the end of your faith."

Today's Prayer

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'In the Garden Devotions'