Today's Message

The World's Way or Mine?
Our Father Knows What's Best]


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“You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world.
So why do you keep on following the rules of the world…” (NLT)
Colossians 2:20


When I was 17 years old my father did not approve of my boyfriend. He said he was no good and good for nothing. I could not understand why my daddy would call someone he did not know, no good. I fought so hard and rebelled against my daddy to prove him wrong, that I failed to see those things that was truly wrong about my boyfriend.

Human flesh is strange. Romans 7:15, Romans 7:19 We seem to want what we are told we cannot have and will fight with a vengeance to get it. But sometimes things change when the fight is taken out and we get what we fought for. Hmmm….

On June 26, 2015 the world said marriage to the same sex is legal. The world is the world's system. The world has its own set of rules. Colossians 2:20 It's designed to do what pleases its followers. It's being defined and reshaped to please itself more and more. But God's kingdom and His standards never changes. "For I am the Lord, I do not change."Malachi3:6 Jesus is our Lord, the Word is our standard and there is nothing in between. Matthew 5:18

Jesus our Lord never changes Hebrews 13:8 and as Christians we live to please our Father and not ourselves. God is the creator, Genesis 1:27 He has a purpose and He knows what is best for us. Marriage, defined by the Word of God is Male and Female. Genesis 2:21-24 His purpose is to be fruitful and multiply. Genesis 1:28 Same sex cannot reproduce. If same sex, then the human race would die. Hmmm.

If you are still living in the world's system then you are celebrating. But if you have received Christ as your LORD and Savior then you are saddened because to follow the world and deny Christ as Lord is to choose death. Romans 6:23 At times we feel like the minority. Matthew 7:13-14 Believe in Jesus, even demons believe and tremble James 2:19 and soo many say they believe with their mouth. Matthew 15:8 Hmmm… But Jesus says He knows His sheep and they know Him, John 10:14 They know His voice and another they will not follow. John 10:4-5 They are the sheep of His pasture Psalm 100:3 and as He lived to please Our Father John 8:29 so should we. Ephesians 5:1, Ephesians 5:10 And He warns on the day of judgment Matthew 7:22-23.

If sharing Christ means we should communicate it by simply carrying signs that say no homosexual people, Leviticus 18:22 then we should have our own signs that says no lying people, no thieves, no backbiters, no adulterers, Hebrews 13:4 no fornicators, 1 Corinthians 6:9 …… Sin to God is sin and we all fall short. Romans 3:23. Ephesians 5:6-9 There is not a just person on earth, that do good and sin not. Ecclesiastes 7:20

But God said to me that this is a great opportunity for Christians today. 1 Corinthians 16:9 What the world has fought for they have received and the fight has been taken out. Flesh does strange things when there is no need to fight any longer. God is not winking at rebellion and disobedience of any kind. Acts 17:30-31 Your invitation should be prepared to offer Christ and His eternal kingdom and provide a reason for your faith 1 Peter 3:15 to those who are still living in the world system that leads to eternal death. Proverbs 14:12

Someone shouted on television, “You can't stop love nor put a law on it to keep it from happening!”

God says it's because I love you, you are no longer under the law but under grace. John 1:17 Paul said all things are lawful for me but not all things are good for me to do. All things are lawful but all things does not edify nor does it glorify God. 1 Corinthians 10:23 And our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us.

I am a Christian, Jesus is my Lord, as He came and gave me the example to live to please God, our Father, so I do. I won't hate nor judge. Matthew 7:1 Neither will I be silent! I will love and take every opportunity to share Jesus, the truth, the Way, and the Life. When I see practicers of homosexuality in church I smile, welcome them, and try to make them feel at home. The church is where we all should be. It is God that prepares our heart to receive Him; it is the Spirit that convicts of sin and righteousness, and judgment. John 16:8 It is the Word that washes us. John 15:3 And when Jesus is lifted up He draws all men. John 12:32 He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no one can come to the Father except through Him. John 14:6.

God says, “_____________ (insert your name) there are many of my children whose hearts I have prepared to come into the fold. They may not look like it from the outside but their hearts are ready. They may have own a dress and look like a man, they may have a beard but look like a woman. Stand strong in love for Me and them, share My Son with them, and leave the judging to Me.”

After I had my own daughter, I realized that my dad loved me and was only saying, "Denise, that young man is not right for you." My dad was absolutely right. He saw some things that I could not see. He simply could not verbalize it in a way that I could receive it, so I rebelled. We as Christians must share Christ in a way that He can be received. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 The world has a kingdom and it's being defined and reshaped to please its followers but God's kingdom never change and Jesus is our Lord, the Word is our standard and there is nothing in between. Don't be silent! It's what you say and how you say it. If you truly believe the wages of sin is death then how can you keep silent or how can you be happy knowing someone's choice will lead them to eternal damnation? God is love and his desire is that none perish but all be saved. What about you today? Where do you stand?

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