Today's Message

"Still, Only God is Holy"

[My Date in Sunday School]



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" Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone;
because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips:
for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts."
Isaiah 6:5


I love Sunday School. It's like going on a date and getting to know someone more and more intimately. The more you meet the more He begins to reveal more and more of Himself. It's like going to His family gathering, talking about him with all those who love Him and discussing their experiences with Him. We laugh, we cry, we pray and sometimes we even worship. I love Sunday School.

In our Sunday School lesson titled “Holy, Holy, Holy”, Isaiah 6:1-12 God taught us what happens in the midst of true worship that usher us into His presence. When in God's presence Isaiah saw God's power, His authority and His HOLINESS and he became undone. Instead of seeing the sinfulness of the people he prophesied and preached to, he saw his own wretchedness, sinfulness, and unworthiness. Yet, God called him into His presence. Wow! How can such a Holy God allow such a sinful people in His presence but not only does He allow it, He desires it.

This lesson gave me more revelation of what I experienced one Sunday morning during Worship Service. The song was “Only You Are Holy” and as I stood in praise with thoughts of the pain I was experiencing over someone who hurt me, suddenly instead of his sins, I became undone and saw my own.

If you haven't read it read it today. And if you read it, read it again. Today choose to worship God and take your mind off of man. You might find that the one you are struggling with to forgive may have been placed in the place in your heart where only God should reign.

God says, "_______________ Sunday School is not only for the children. It is acutally "THE" LIFE CLASS. Get up early and come and join the family gathering. We are waiting for you. You are the part of the family that is missing. Besides the early birds get the much needed worms (BREAD) (Smile).

Today's message: (click here) “Only God is Holy!”

Today's Prayer

Take a moment and minister to God today, you just might find He has called you so that He could minister to you. Click on Donnie McClurkin song "Only You are Holy". Click here for mobile "Only You Are Holy".


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'In the Garden Devotions'