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On Tues, Aug 14, 2012 wrote:

I agree, with the message "Come and Hear My Voice", to be in God's presence in the sanctuary is divine. When you know God for yourself, you desire to meet & commune with him in the fellowship. It's exciting to wake up on Sunday morning, get dressed, with the expectation that I'm going to see the king and not what everybody's wearing or whose there (been there, done that). Just me & my father-so sweet.
Blessed to be your daughter,

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 wrote:
I have read but only a few of your testimonials and I love it .  How can I not , when as you stated,  so elegant, as Paul stated, to live is Christ and to die is gain.  I will forever praise God, in good times and not so good.  You are a testimony, run with it.  Share the Good News, God Lives.  I will forward your site to my email buddies.The Lord is using you to save that which maybe lost not only true believers but non believers.
Dee - New Orleans, LA

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 wrote:
Very uplifting.  I also like how you can click on the verses that are highlighted and read the passages.  Thank you for sharing this with others!
Phyllis F. - Houston, TX

On Sat, Sept 1, 2012 wrote:
"I Am the Lord Who Leads" This  was  a good and excellent message to me because  during Hurricane  Kartina  I evacuated  with my family  and we  found  somewhere  to  stay.  My uncles, cousins and I   found  a school  called  Drew Central Elemarty. It  was  nice for  my  family  to  find  all  of  their  children  a school  because  without  a  school  how  would  our  EDUCATION  look. I  thank God for  a  home,church ,transportation,food,and clothes.This  was  a good  message.
Troy S - Age 14 - New Orleans, LA

On Sat, Sept 7, 2012 wrote:
"An Expected End - 2" I am always encouraged by our talks and conversations.. This year has been tough getting through..Loving someone with your whole heart and them unexpectedly passing... I felt like i died also.. I realize I go through fazes of being great-full to have had a father who was in my life every day and loved us so;  to being upset about him no longer being her in physical form; to days full of tears and confinement.... I'm slowly getting out of these feelings, I guess that's just the back fire of being a Daddys Girl and spoiled (or more putting so much in to human form and not towards God) I miss him dearly but I do understand life goes on and I do believe he is in Heaven :) and that I will see him again. The night/morning we talked I felt much lighter (even though i cried so much, but a purging cry, not a hopeless one).. I am able to separate the two, my daddy is gone but only in physical form, and that i'm still going to cry but I have to fulfill Gods plans for my life. I Thank God for placing your spirit in my path, and thank you for sharing. i'm sure it will help someone who is also going through. :) 
Trel - Arlington, TX

On Sat, Sept 15, 2012 wrote:
I always try to start my morning reading several daily devotions, if not I do it at noon-yours is one.  I'm always encouraged, uplifted and so ready for my day thereafter.  I don't know if you are aware of how much of a blessing you are to those whose lives you touched with the word of God.  Let me tell you the anointing on your life blesses me and I'm sure others as well. I took the time this morning to re-read some of the archive messages as two of my devotions I don't receive on Saturday.  So I feasted off the messages in your archive.  I was so filled with joy as the messages you share are so powerful.  We  can learn and get so much from a word from God if we take the time to receive it.  I could just shout as I read them. We can also learn from the testimony of others whose life God has shown up in to prove nothing is impossible for him to do.  That's just one of the things I love about reading your devotions-your ability to open up your soul and share something you have gotten through while giving a word from God.  "Knowing God As A Father" in particular today touched me.   A friend of mines recently shared a similiar story about her father. Though her father has been dead over thirty years when she shares event of her childhood you can literally feel her pain.  It is also obvious that she is still holding on to it. Reason being is because we have been friends over 16 years and during that time any time someone mention the word father or talk about their father, she explodes.  The need to forgive is important for us to grow and move from the pain to hear from God.  I just told her that I was reading a book by Paul J. Meyers called "Forgiveness...the Ultimate Miracle" that I felt she should read.  I intent to print a copy of  "Knowing God As A Father" for her to read.  I feel in my spirit your testimony will bless her and help her to begin to heal and let go of her resentment.  Your Heavenly Father was in the plan showering you with the love you needed even before you realized it.  For you to endure the emotional hurt from your father and display the forgiving spirit you did- still loving and trying to please him, is evidence your Heavenly Father had you in his care. As you said you just had to grow more spiritually for Jesus to as you said introduce you(smile).  We should all be thankful for our Heavenly Father.  Because no matter what we go through in life, he is always there to pull us through-pick up the pieces, and show us unconditionally LOVE!  I'm so glad that despite it all you looked beyond your daddy's fault understanding he did the best he could and was grateful to God for him.  You are such a strong person!  I hope you know that.  There is not a time that we have talked that I have not felt that.  You are so anointed, and your willingness and desire to always do the will of God will continue to keep you in his Grace.  He has such Great things in store for YOU!  He also have much more work for you to do for his people.  Continue to answer the call.  Be Blessed!
Love you,
Gwen Roberson - Lafayette, LA

On Tues, Sept 18, 2012 wrote
On message: "Knowing God as Father" - Growing up  I had a father in the home but I didn't have a "daddy".  My dad was there physically but mentally he was somewhere else ( street life, friends, etc..) Later I found out it was because he didn't know how to be a dad because he never experienced a physical father-son relationship plus I believe he's never experienced a true father-son relationship with his heavenly father either.  I grew up in a home with both parents but sometimes felt like I was being raised in a single parent home.  Going to church was rarely experienced with him and as a child was embarrassing at times.  My mother took my brothers and I to church every Sunday and as we got older, we knew that if we lived in her house, even if you went to the club on Saturday night, you BETTER be sitting in church Sunday morning (ON TIME)-paid off in the end because she gave us the gift of God early in life. Having a father but sometimes feeling fatherless led me to God at a young age.  I can recall sitting in my bed late at night and talking to God as if he was my friend.  I held long conversations with God about anything and at a young age had no clue what I was doing or even if he was listening but somehow I knew He was there.  I'm truly blessed because I've had the oppurtunity to get to know my heavenly father at a young age and I've come to realize that he fulfilled the role of my "daddy" during that time so now when I go to Him as a woman, I feel as if I'm sitting on the porch talking to my dad, because we simply talk. Lol-It's truly a sweet relationship to have because He always listens when nobody else does and to experience Him is indescribable.

"A rose in a concrete world"




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'In the Garden Devotions'