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On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 wrote:
I am so very very proud of you and thankful to GOD for sharing you with me and so many others at the PO.
MD - New Orleans, LA
On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 wrote:
["Message: Sandy Hook School"] - May God forever bless you for yielding yourself as a vessel of encouragement and comfort at this tragic time. You are such a Blessing to the Body of Christ.
C. Bassett - Gretna, LA
On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 wrote:
["Message: The God [through you] the World Should Know"] Im so glad the holy spirit led me to my email where i saw this message, i was about to go do my devotion after resting all day and what a way to start my time before HIM, im so blessed because i have been in the mist of planning tonight.....this is truely one of the best, as you know i have experience the lion's den or my son just yesterday...what a mighty GOD we serve...keep before the Lord and sharing what He gives you, im full.
T. Jones - Baton Rouge, LA
On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 wrote:
I must admit I haven't been in the garden lately but was happy I visited today. I pray that my relationship with God will become as strong as the relationship you so eagerly share with me and others everyday. May God continue to bless your ministry. I love you!
JT - Texas
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 wrote:
[Message:"Am I Still Needed Here"] JT sent me your web site and I wanted you to know that you have truly touched me today. I got some alarming news and was scared. I pray daily several times. Sometimes for me, sometimes for family and friends and sometimes for strangers. But today, I needed a word from God and when I looked at the daily devotion for today, there it was. I truly thank God for sharing you with us. I love you and thank you.
Della - New Orleans, LA
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 wrote:
[Message:"Don't Be Like A Mule"] Thanks soo much for this devotion; it reminded me to repent, pray write my vision review and pray again. Seeking the kingdom 1st saves us disappointment and time; your testimony is an inspiration and testament of Gods love, mercy, and grace.
T. Jones, Baton Rouge, LA
On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 wrote:
[Message: "Lent, A Religous Practice or Part of A Personal Relationship?"] Yes, again right on time. So many just follow traditions and don't take this walk personal. Thanks be to GOD, that He is allowing me to dive a little deeper in HIS Word and to Feel HIS presence for myself. What an awesome GOD we serve!! How remarkable it is to have my Saviour Jesus call me brother and friend!! Okay, I'll calm down, it is truly a joy in serving GOD!! Thanks my sister, please keep this ministry going!!
J. Bridges - New Orleans, LA
On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 wrote:
[Message: "Lent, A Religous Practice or Part of A Personal Relationship?"] "I read the message and it really gave me insight on the real meaning of lent because its easy to say, "I'm giving up meat or Friday is seafood day" simply because its the thing to do, but are we actually seeking to commune with God during this time?"
Raquel S. Marcelle, New Orleans, LA
On Fri, Mar,15, 2013 wrote:
[Message: "King of kings? or Simply king of my things?"] Wow what a revelation!! That is a awesome teaching, KING OF KINGS!! Yes, Worship HIM in spirit and in truth and not the messenger (pastor, singer, teacher). AWESOME.......
J. Bridges - New Orleans, LA
On Mon, May 13, 2013 wrote:
[Message: "Mothers Reflecting the Nature of God!"] Good morning. Read my mother's day message and oh what a blessing it was. I must share this message and site with other mothers..have a Blessed Day in The Lord.
C. Bassett - Gretna, LA
On Mon, May 13, 2013 wrote:
[Message: "Mothers Reflecting the Nature of God!"] "Thanks for the mother day blessing, and sharing memories of our mom's strengths! I Truelyblessed appreciate how you break down your messages and add the scripture references; God provision is such a blessing and so are you!"
Tammy Jones - Baton Rouge, LA
On Tues. July 9, 2013 wrote:
[Message: ["I See You Slipping Away, I'm Here and Will Be Here When You Return"]"Hi Denise, God is Good. Your devotions are amazing.When I say God is really using you, he is. I am always lifting you up in prayers because of the time, effort and Love from your heart to others. This is my spiritual break each day and even during the night. I thank God for you, continue the good that God has begun in you until the day of Jesus Christ Return."
Love Sister Rhonda - Gretna, LA
On Tues. July 9, 2013 wrote:
[Message: ["I See You Slipping Away, I'm Here and Will Be Here When You Return"] Divine inspiration from our Father! That is a awesome piece of work my sister! Clear and to the point, stop blaming GOD and giving the devil that power of temptation! LOVED IT!!!! If GOD is the True Author and Finisher of our faith, we must act like it and trust HIM, when we fall or almost fall! Yes temptation is there, however we don't have to fall into it all the time, GOD is always there, we just have to call out to HIM for HELP!!!
J. Bridges - New Orleans, LA
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