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On Thurs, Sept 20, 2012 wrote:
On message "Knowing God as Father" - That was nice, everyone should know that God is the only Father they will ever need.
C. Gallo - New Orleans, LA
On Fri, Sept 21, 2012 wrote:
On message "Knowing God as Father" - Enjoyed the testimony and the message. I want to know God as my Father and I too hear His voice. When I look back over my life, I know what he has done for me. He saved me from myself as I was so lost and so caught in the pain of sin. I know that now I am a new creature and I am so thankful to my heavenly Father. Each morning I begin my day with "Thank you God!" and He just keeps blessing me.
JTurner - Fresno, Tx
On Tues, Sept 25, 2012 wrote:
"Rabshakeh" Great job, Minister Spencer. Inspiring. I think I know ur friend, not the bully.
Min. M. Williams - New Orleans, LA
On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 wrote:
"Cut Off My Big Toe" I loved it, as I read it I began to envision me hurting with my big toe cut off, loosing balance, falling and then the MIGHTY HANDS OF GOD holding me up and leading me!!! What a great revelation, it may sound simple, but to me it is confirming that we MUST trust GOD in ALL things!!......... MY GOD has given me a peace and comforting spirit in knowing that HE is in control, I surrender, GOD HAVE YOUR WAY!!
Thank you Minister, Sister, and Friend Denise!!
J. Bridges - Gretna, LA
On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 wrote:
(From Facebook) "Min. Denise this is awesome!!!! Love your picture!
Minister Sharon Harris - Gretna, LA
On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 wrote:
Minister (Elder) Spencer......OUTSTANDING! GOD be praised for your ministry work (mission)! It is truly needed in this hour. As I viewed your website, I felt joy and encouragement on every page. You are doing a GREAT Word! AND WHAT A TESTIMONY!!!!!
Elder Karen J. Fowler
On Tues, Nov 27, 2012 wrote:
May God continue to bless you for your service to his people !!!
Cassandra - Gretna, LA
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 wrote:
I thank God for you, your obedience and faithfulness! I have literally dreamed, envisioned a place like the garden pictured on your site. I have hoped that I could turn my back yard into an oasis of solitude like that. Although I know that God is everywhere and lives inside of me, I have always felt that I am more "in tuned" when I am surrounded by nature. I don't know when you gave me the card with your website info, but I found it 2 days ago. I have been on the site reading the devotions and I can say that you are truly allowing Him to use you. I thank Him for you, keep on being a blessing and light in this dark world. You know for a long time I have used Jeremiah 29 as part of my "email signature". Today I read your devotion 'Expected End", it touched my heart in ways I am still trying to sort out. I am going to sit down today to answer the question you posed,"What was my unexpected?" Where do I start, how long do I go back in my life, or do I start with the most recent and go back? These aren't questions I am posing to you, but to myself. I do believe that unlike the couple in the devotion. I have allowed my UNEXPECTEDs to stifle my growth. BUT, I do believe that my time has come for my eyes to be opened to how those "unexpected things" are what God EXPECTED/PURPOSED to propel me into HIS PLAN for me.
Lauren - New Orleans, LA
On Thurs, Dec 6, 2012 wrote:
Message,"The Anticipation that Bless and Please God" - Yes great word, prepare for the coming of the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords!! Loved It, thanks.
J. Bridges, Gretna, LA
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